
#NailTechNailedIt - When Clients Let Me Do Nail Art

It's rare that clients at the school's salon want nail art. Usually just single colors are requested. So I thought I'd celebrate the clients this past Saturday who let me do some fun nail art for them and share it with you all. Both are friends, but hey! I'll take it where I can get it!

 The first is a manicure for my regularly pampered pal, Shayna. She's big into CrossFit and starts a 30-day paleo challenge tomorrow. In honor of this, she asked for a paleo mani, which includes weights, bacon, eggs, avocado and almonds.

The other was a pedicure for a fellow student. She'd been admiring the diamond designs I've done before. You can see examples of my previous diamonds here and here. She picked out two awesome colors and we paired them together with diamonds on her toes.

Toes are definitely harder for nail art than fingernails!

In other #nailtechnailedit news, I'll be finishing up school by the end of this month. If you recall, my original graduation date was expected to be late March.  However, I've been kicking butt and taking services whenever possible, so I could graduate sooner. With only a few more services remaining (mainly pedicures), I'll be done in no time.

I can hardly believe it's almost done, but I'm ready to move on to the real world, and begin learning new things. Even though school's ending, the learning is only just beginning.

The next #NailTechNailedIt post will be one detailing some of the bad parts of nail tech school. I feel it's important to share the good and the bad, so if that's something you're waiting for, it's coming!

Question: What kind of nail art do you like on your big toes? Have you tried anything besides a French manicure on your toes before?


  1. Loooove the diamond toes! What are the teal and peach base colors?

  2. I LOVE the bacon and eggs!! And the diamond toes are wonderful!

  3. whenever I get a pedi, I usually ask for a design...just a little pop to liven things up :)

  4. I always have a stamped pedicure! I usually go for something floral, but I also enjoy animal print and just recently I've started to do stamping decals for my big toes too! =] I look forward to your post about the cons of nail tech school!

  5. I really love putting studs on my toes. Here's a Gelish pedi I did once with some studs and glitter: http://bit.ly/1cQHw8d (no pinky toe because the toenail is the size of a grain of rice and grows vertically. wtf). This may sound gross but I can get 6-8 weeks out of a Gelish pedi >.> I've been thinking about trying stamping on my next pedi. :) I hand painted a snowflake on my current one and... well... I need to do more yoga XD

    I'm excited to hear about the bad parts of nail tech school. I've been looking all over So Cal and I've actually been having a hard time trying to figure out which schools are good or not, and it looks like most require 20hrs a week, which is daunting on top of a 40hr work week >.>

    1. It's definitely a big time commitment. I go to night school 3 nights a week for 4 hours, and then an additional 8 hours on Saturday. So yeah, I do 20 hours a week on top of my regular 9-5 job.

      However, if you love it, you'll make it work. If you're just on the fence about it, you'll find yourself burning out quickly. I'll go into more detail about that in the nail school bad side post (wittier title to come).

  6. Congratulations on being almost done with it and ahead of schedule!!! :))
    Really excited to see what you'll be up to once you're again in the 'real world' ;)

  7. Hi Katy,

    I generally only polish my big toes... and I like stripes, dots and flowers on them, textured polish and all. I've used self made decals too :-) I love the food theme and have planned something like this, as soon as I can find the time. I love your avocados and specially the fried eggs :o)

    Greetings from Berlin!


  8. I intensely dislike French pedis.
    Toes - either bare, pedicured, or blue (I have about a gazillion shades of blue) or purple.


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