
Color Society - Halo Hues

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Installment #2 of the Color Society series, and unfortunately, it doesn't involve the sunlight I wanted. Every chance I've had at sunlight have been thwarted, either by snow, rain, or work. All troublesome when you're trying to bring out the gorgeous holoness of the Color Club Halo Hues!

The Halo Hues shine like diamonds, and reflect a gorgeous rainbow across all your nails. What's more, they apply beautifully and completely in two even, quick-drying coats. It's really the best of all worlds, and they're all readily available!

To honor the diamond look they give, here's some diamond nail art, using my own diamond tutorial.

The base color is Pastel Teal from Kleancolor. The diamonds were created with the first color, Over the Moon. This is a vibrant and beautiful blue. It's not a dark blue, but it's not a faded silver. I love it, it's the perfect mix.

The other color in the society is Beyond. A black holo, with its own charm, but not quite as stunning as Over the Moon. I'd love to see it used as a gradient with a neon pink! It's like oil, with it's blackness and rainbow beauty.

Interested in applying to be part of the Color Society? Fill out the application here to apply!

These products were sent to me by Color Society. The reviews are based entirely on my experience with the products and were in no way influenced by anyone.


  1. A gradient with Beyond sounds amazing! Love these polishes :D

  2. Loving the freehand holo diamonds! Just precious! :D

  3. Awesome diamonds--thanks for the tutorial! What is light blue polish surrounding diamonds?

    1. I'll add that to the post now, but it's called Pastel Teal and it's from Kleancolor. I reviewed it here.

  4. Beautiful diamond manicure! :-) Beyond is amazing! :-)


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