
Budding Spring

Ah Spring! You're supposed to be here. There are supposed to be buds forming on the trees. But so far, it's just gotten a little colder since the official start of you. Maybe you're confused, and you need a little reminder of what you're supposed to be all about.

The bright greens of the baby buds, and the little petals forming at the tips of the leaves is what it's really all about. So take a lesson from China Glaze, with a Lemon Fizz and Electric Pineapple gradient for Budding Romance to blossom on.

It's ok Spring, we're not mad, we're just a little disappointed. You can do better next time!


  1. What a lovely manicure. And here in Sweden it's still snow on the ground and freezing cold.

  2. I agree! I hear the birds chirping, but I still have to wear a hat and mittens.
    PS: cute mani!

  3. I can't believe the UK is getting snow when it's meant to be spring! But at least I got the day off school so I could see your lovely manicure! I hope spring arrives soon, and these nails have totally put me in the mood for it :D

  4. i love this's very simple but so stunning...I also like the yellow shade ;)

  5. That yellow is absolutely gorgeous!

  6. hahah
    couldn't agree more: bad, bad Spring!
    Loved the writing on today's post on top of the cute mani you did :)

  7. How have you done your blogs banner?

    1. Hi Katri! I made it myself in Photoshop CS5 using a stock image I purchased and some creativity! :)

    2. I'm so glad someone asked this - I was really curious! I love that you designed your header & icons yourself. P.S. I like your nails, too.


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