
Webbed Fingers

I don't care who you are, spiders creep you out. If you're not paying attention to your arm, chatting away with your friends or ferociously fingering your phone and you suddenly feel a wisp on your arm, you flinch. Then, when you look down to discover it's an uncomfortably large spider, you freak out. FREAK...the eff...out.

Make you squirm? Here's a much less anxiety-inducing image to put in your mind.

That better? I used Harley (Zoya), Black Onyx and Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It (OPI).

Breathe. The spiders are over.

Trick or treat.


  1. Cute spider mani! Oh man...I'm such a chicken! Just from the main picture of the video I know I'm going to freak out! lol

  2. It's a very cute spider mani - I love spiders, maybe not huge ones like the clip, but the normal ones in houses here in Denmark - think of all the good work they do by catching unwanted insects ;)

  3. That is a super cute mani! I couldn't bring myself to watch the video though, not after finding out I'm allergic to that kind of spider. I'll leave the video watching to the others. :0) Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  4. Your nails are adorable, but thanks to you I'll be having nightmares lol. My boyfriend made me play the clip :p

  5. Don't think I would be able to do a mani like that... I strongly hate spiders... lol

  6. ... And the Olympic high-jump gold goes to... Spidey!

  7. Those little spiders look so cute, but spiders still creep me out. That video made me cringe. ;_;

  8. I could have done without the picture (didn't play the clip, but it still shows a picture of a horrible spider ON someone) after the phrase "the spiders are over." Oh hey, no they're not.

  9. First of all, I am NOT looking at that video! LOL! But the spiders in this mani are just adorable! I like the black widow accent nail!

  10. Love the nails but you just had to put the video on here and I had to watch it and scream in my chair! HAHA!

  11. NOPE NOPE NOPE. That's terrible. The spider of course, I love the mani.

  12. LIES. You said the spiders were over but when I scrolled down the worst one of all was there. Cartoony spiders like the little guys on your nails don't bother me, are even cute, but real ones? Ohgod.

    (Cute mani though.)

  13. OMG that video on the bottom just gave me the willies! and I didn't even watch it! Ohhhh I hate spiders! Your mani rocks though :)

  14. Since so many of your commenters are such arachnophobes I think you should warn them about the Seattle Space Needle. This popped up from Mental Floss tonight... http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/143686

  15. What a cute spider mani! I don't have an issue with spiders but my boyfriend HATES them lol

  16. I'm trying not to teach my daughter to be scared of bugs. The other day there was a huge spider in my kitchen when we were having breakfast. I mean, HUGE! Shutter... I had to calmly kill the beast so as not to show her to be scared of spiders. I mostly succeeded. I screamed and jumped a tiny bit. This post reminded me of that and I thought I'd share. :)

  17. love your spider mani, but actual spiders, I can't stand them no matter how big are small. Although I do rush to kill them so they don't get on me.


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