
Dotstival and Blog Renovation

If you haven't already noticed, I made some changes to the blog today. Major renovation! I'd love your feedback about things, especially load times. I hate waiting for a blog to load when all I want to do is look at the pictures and read the newest post, so if you're experiencing any pain reading mine, let me know. Just as has been the case in the past, everything was designed by me. Do you like the added thumb ring touch on the fist?

After spending so long on the blog, I didn't have much time for nails, so I did a stippling manicure. The beautiful green is Navigate Her (Essie). I've had that sitting in a drawer for too long, so I needed to use it. It compliments my skin tone beautifully!

Today, Kayla featured me on her blog as well. I was surprised to see a rise in readers, but when I checked my news feed, I saw it was because she had used Nailed It as her blog of the month of May. I was delighted! Go check out the wonderfully nice things she had to say about my work. It's a pretty major milestone for me, to see one of the blogs I have so fondly read for so long actually give me kudos. Hard work pays off.


  1. Totally love the blog! I wish I had the techyness to do this kinda thing.

  2. Congrats on the feature! I love Navigate Her but I heard the formula is a little streaky/thin...did you have trouble? Love the design!

    1. I didn't actually. It was quite opaque for me. Definitely a good creme to add to the collection.

  3. The place looks great and it is loading just fine, for me. :)

    I thought that I was already following you and was surprised, when I followed Kayla's link that I wasn't. I remedied that.

  4. love this new look! and no, I never have to wait for your blog to load.. and yes yes yess I love the ring :D

  5. I love the new look, it looks great. I always try to edit mine to look unique and make it mine, but I'm so skilled with computers haha.
    I love this mani, and I saw that you were featured on Kayla's blog, that's amazing! Congrats on that! :)

  6. I had absolutely no issues with loading and everything looks great! And so does this manicure, I'm loving your mix of black and white dotting!

  7. I found your blog thanks to Kayla and I adore it! Love your nails and your painting skills :D
    I have to try this manicure myself, it looks just beautiful :)

  8. Oh I love spots! So much fun!!

  9. You have an amazing ring, I love it, and it goes well together with the spotted mani.
    The new blog design is colorful and attracts the attention, well done!

  10. Good for you, you deserve it. Love the blog changes. The mani is super cute too.

  11. So pretty! Love the dot placements :)

  12. Love the new blog design! The stippling looks amazing, perfect color combo! :)

  13. This is really cool... I love that color green! :)

  14. Adore this mani and that color! I'm digging the new layout too, it's a really nice yellow that doesn't sear my eyeballs out when I'm browsing in the dark haha.

  15. Beautiful new layout, making me itch to change mine, but I lack your skills!

  16. Love your new blog design and your mani! Both are great!

  17. I actually found your blog 2 days ago through Kayla's! You do a fantastic job and your nails are always gorgeous. This mani is no exception. I love it and I am going to have to do this to my own.

  18. I never have problems with loading your links. The ring is a beautiful detail on your photos! :-)
    I like the manicure and the combination of colours! :-) And you deserve the best compliments for all the ideas you have! :-)

  19. the blog looks great, it loaded just fine and the thumb ring is perfect! so you!

  20. Haha! I love the added thumb ring on the above fist! It's so you! :D I love love love what you did to your blog!


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