
Orange You Impossible to Get?

Enjoy that clever ravaged cuticle hiding technique I used there? Vegas did a number on my nails, and my immune system.
Yes girls (and are there any gentlemen blog readers?), that is a Nail-Venturous original you're seeing, Orange You Unique?. Its sisters Floam and Pinkerbell have eluded my grasp yet again, but this one was actually my favorite when it first showed up on Amy's blog just over two months ago. Since then, she's expanded her brand to include some of my other favorites like Flying Blue Jay, Robin Laid an Egg, and Humble Bee, seen here. They're unbelievably hard to come by, and rightly so! Look at them! In the time it took me to load 8 polishes into my cart for her Etsy store, all of her polishes were sold out. That was probably a whopping 30 seconds. After I brushed off the dust and wiped away my tears, I got up off the ground of the bar I happened to be at at the time and wrote to Amy. She was as shocked as I was at how quickly everything sold out, but it's honestly not surprising. The amount of stalking I did during that day was a bit embarrassing, so I'm sure there were hundreds of girls doing the same. I'm OK with not getting them because they're popular, but if there's someone out there buying up a HUGE amount of the stock just to resell, hoard or give away, I'll be upset. It's not Amy's fault she made such amazing polishes. is her fault, but that's in no way a bad thing. Thank you Amy! (Also, thanks to Ninja Polish for selling her stock when there's enough to go around.)

I wanted to pair Orange You Unique? with something else because there's plenty of swatches already out there. I striped it in between Flyin' High and Papaya Punch (China Glaze) and left it at that. I thought about adding some black dots to outline it, but the blending that's happening is a little to lovely to futz around with.

I also have some rather exciting sneak peaks to show you. I snagged these three colors at Walgreens today. Are those micro white glitters in the middle swatch? Why yes, I believe they are!

Looks like one of the big-name companies has been paying attention to what girls are buying!


  1. I just picked up that same polish in the middle swatch. I can't wait to try it! This mani is lovely, btw! So fun and bright!

  2. Super cute! I own a few of her polishes and they r awesome! What brand are those at the bottom need to go look

    1. Sit tight...I'm showing them tonight! (Oh I rhymed...bonus!)

  3. I love this. I think it's adorable and a great way to play off the colors of the glitter!

  4. I really really love this!

    I managed to get Floam from Ninja Polish the other weekend but didn't even try to get this or Pinkerbell when she had her sale the other day.


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