
Pastel Blue with Gold

Late post tonight! Or...early post for the morning? I haven't decided.

I don't have a name for today's manicure, but it reminds me a lot of basically every piece of jewelry available at Urban Outfitters, Forever 21 and Anthropologie. All those pastels and golds. It's something we see everywhere, but I honestly can't remember seeing something like this one someone else's nails. I absolutely love it though. I think is my favorite manicure so far. You'll see some of its sister manicures in upcoming entries. Pastel pinks and teal will both be mixing with this gold glitter, Set the Stage, from Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear. Is it stupid that I forgot Rite Aid was a good source for the cheaper polishes (Revlon, Wet N' Wild, Sally Hansen). This XTREME polish is one that I picked up today there. XTREME!

Click for better quality.
Seriously love that. You're looking at Savina's Light Mist under that XTREME glitter. Mmm mmm pretty!


  1. This looks very delicate, but fun at the same time :) I have a similar glitter from ELF that I've just purchased and can't wait to use it now that I've seen this.

  2. You should enter your blog here:

  3. @Mihaela (lacquerbuzz) Done and done. Thanks for providing that link. I'll be following her as well now.

  4. Ooo I have Light Mist and I adore it! Good call layering the gold, what a great look :)

  5. This is very pretty! I have Set the Stage and completely love it. Its just so perfect over so many colors :)


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